Das Höllenriff Beneath The 12-Mile Reef Ungeschnittene Fassung: Amazon.de: Robert Wagner, Terry Moore, Gilbert Roland, Peter Graves, J. Carrol Naish, Robert D. Webb, Robert Wagner, Terry Moore: DVD & Blu-ray

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10 thoughts on “Das Höllenriff Beneath The 12-Mile Reef Ungeschnittene Fassung: Amazon.de: Robert Wagner, Terry Moore, Gilbert Roland, Peter Graves, J. Carrol Naish, Robert D. Webb, Robert Wagner, Terry Moore: DVD & Blu-ray

  1. Wer kennt nicht Robert Wagner in der Serie :”Hart aber Herzlich”?Hier ist er in einem supertollen Abenteuerfilm zu sehen.Er ist Taucher,der nach Schwämmen sucht.Mit diesen Schwämmen verdient er und sein Vater Geld.Um an die ganz großen Schwämme zu gelangen,wagt er sich in einer gigantischen Tiefe,wo eine Riesenkrake und gefährliche Strömung auf ihn warten…. Ein Mix aus Liebes und Abenteuerfilm mit einem sehr jungen Robert Wagner.Ton,Schörfe und Bild sind von exzellenter Qualität.Absolut Empfehlenswert.

  2. One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50’s. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents’ chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or “Westside Story”. However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.

    Wake Of The Red Witch ~ John Wayne[UK Import


  3. One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50’s. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents’ chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or “Westside Story”. However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.

  4. I have been a determined critic of 20th Century Fox policy to issue their CinemaScope archives in a dreadful pan and scan version and I refuse to purchase them.However, credit where it is due, their new release of Beneath the 12-Mile Reef is as it should be, sparkling Scope and the sound is superb. I still thrill when I hear Bernard Herrmann’s magnificent music, surely one of the greatest motion picture scores ever!So thank -you Fox for this unexpected gift, I can now do away with those dire public domain versions.Can we now have CinemaScope versions of the Pat Boone musicals and The Best Things In Life Are Free, the last great studio musical.Anthony Sherratt

  5. Weiss jemand ob auch der deutsche Ton enthalten ist?Bei manchen UK Importen ist auchdie deutsche Tonspur enthalten.(z.B.Harryhausen Box)

  6. One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50’s. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents’ chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or “Westside Story”. However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.

  7. First great Cinemascope movie (‘The Robe’ was a boring stinker). Saw twice in the same week, at the only local cinema equipped with Cinemascope and stereo sound. Terrible acting from the principals , Gilbert Roland playing Gilbert Roland, Robert Wagner inspired by Troy Donahue, Terry Moore lisping, Peter Graves being tall, J. Carroll Naish not being in the mafia for once.Not a bad transfer, Blue Ray would have been better, but at least I’ve finally got it in the proper 1 : 2.55 scope ratio, and not the pointless pan and scan version also available.Florida has never looked better, and the icing on the cake is the great Bernard Herrmann’s stunning score.Viewing tips : put on your Hawaiian shirt, shorts and sandals, turn up the heating and pretend you are there in the Gulf of Mexico.

  8. One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50’s. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents’ chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or “Westside Story”. However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.One family Greek the other WASP compete in the sponge industry off the western cost of Florida in the 50’s. They have an unwritten law as to here they can fish for sponges. The heads of each house are proud and there is more than a casual rivalry among them.Due to hard times the families cross paths resulting tin the son of the Greek family Tony Petrakis (Robert Wagner) and the WASP daughter Gwyneth Rhys (Terry Moore) falling in love their parents’ chagrin. To really stir thing up Arnold Dix (Peter Graves) who also has eyes for Gwyneth is unscrupulous and does nefarious acts agent the Greeks.I know you have herd the story before and probably saw Romeo and Juliet or “Westside Story”. However, the story and actors make it worth revisiting.The film has been remastered and looks great on large screen height definition televisions. The music of Bernard Hermann works as a subtle character its self adds to the mood and not overwhelming the story or dialog.Gilbert Roland is the proud Greek patriarch that makes a sort of John Wayne entrance at the beginning of the movie. Richard Boone, a very diverse actor plays the girls father.This is the first underwater adventure shot in CinemaScope.

    Wake Of The Red Witch [UK Import


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